Trice Medical

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Trice Medical aims to fundamentally improve orthopedic diagnostics for the patient, physician, and payor by providing instant answers. The company has pioneered fully integrated camera-enabled technology, the mi-eye 2, which provides a clinical solution optimized for the physician's office. Dubbed the revolutionary alternative to a traditional MRI, mi-eye 2 consists of a needle with an integrated camera and light source, allowing surgeons to perform a full diagnostic arthroscopy on an HD tablet. The solution is FDA cleared for use in diagnostic and operative arthroscopic and endoscopic procedures to provide illumination and visualization of an interior cavity of the body through either a natural or surgical opening.
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Funding 💰

Total $42.6M
Select investors BioStar Capital, HealthQuest Capital, Safeguard Scientifics, Smith & Nephew
Last update: April 19, 2018