Better Therapeutics Public Company (Nasdaq:BTTX)

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🚀 Merged with Mountain Crest Acquisition Corp. II on April 7, 2021. in a SPAC deal worth $187M, raising $113M in the process.
Better Therapeutics is a prescription digital therapeutics (PDT) company delivering a novel form of behavior-based therapy to address the root causes of cardiometabolic diseases. Better Therapeutics has developed a proprietary platform for the development of FDA-regulated, software-based therapies for type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other conditions. The cognitive behavioral therapy delivered by Better Therapeutics' PDT enables changes in neural pathways of the brain so lasting changes in behavior become possible. Addressing the underlying causes of these diseases has the potential to dramatically improve patient health while lowering healthcare costs. Better Therapeutics' PDTs are intended to be prescribed by physicians and reimbursed like traditional medicines.
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Funding 💰

Total $23.8M
Last update: September 4, 2021